Bruce don't surf...

Bruce Lee .jpeg

But he did swing Kettlebells. 

There is a story told by John Saxon aka “ROPER” Bruce Lee’s co-star in the film Enter The Dragon. 

John told Pavel Tsatsouline CEO of StrongFirst, that Bruce Lee showed him the Kettlebell swing the first day they met. 

Bruce Lee’s focus was on freezing the Kettlebell at the top of each swing to work on harnessing the power of his punches. 

If you train with Kettlebells like Bruce Lee, you will appreciate their versatility as Kettlebells are for everyone, from housewife to Olympic lifter, from triathlete to martial artist to the modern day surfer as they develop strength endurance and flexibility without compromise.

However there is an entry fee, you must have a strong spirit and pay strict attention to detail. If you are willing to pay the price then the rewards are endless. Study the foundation skills of the Swing, Get-Up, Clean, Military Press, Front Squat and the Tzar of Kettlebell exercises, the Snatch, then with a single kettlebell or with double kettlebells as you advance, you can discover how you can be a stronger, fitter, leaner and more flexible version of yourself. You can even help bullitt proof your body like myself as you get older.

If Bruce Lee did surf I'm sure he’d be sitting out the back as the sun sets, observing all the heavenly glory, surfing with emotional content, without anger and not thinking but feeling. 

Peace, Mike