Push It - Pull It!


Push It - Pull It - Press It - Lift It - Squat It - Swing It Just Move It!!

It's no secret, there is a magic pill available, with NO side effects, it offsets the ageing process, gives you increased muscle strength, stronger bones and greater postural integrity.

It may sound like something from the Wolverine but it's not, it's here, it's now and it's in the shape of “SOME HARD ASSED WORK!”

I understand that we don’t all like gyms, we don’t all have the space to train at home or the equipment or even sometimes the inclination, but I’m sorry if your car broke down tomorrow you would automatically find the time and the energy to fix it, yet investing in ourselves the excuses can come thick and fast; I don’t have the time, I don't have the energy, I don't know what I’m doing and so on. 

But if you truly want to invest in your body then you should realize that Strength Training is good for you. 

So here are a few hard facts to help you understand the benefits:

Wolf’s Law of Strong 
The bone in a healthy person or animal will adapt to the loads under which it is placed. If the loading on a bone increases, the bone will remodel itself over time to become stronger to resist that loading. If we move weight or resistance train our bones become denser, even as we age we can make a difference and promote healthy bones and offset osteoporosis.

At around 30 we start to lose Type 2 Muscle Fibres (fast-twitch muscle fibres which support strong, quick and powerful movements) every year due to that unavoidable ageing process and let’s face it, we need muscle to make our lives easier, to move in functional ways, to perform activities, even to get in and out of the bath unaided in our later years. 

If we strength train we invite our Type 2 muscle fibres to stick around for longer and if we are focused, we can become much stronger. Doing so will only add to the quality of our lives and physical longevity.

Weight Management
Strength training will help increase your resting metabolism (the rate at which your body burns calories naturally when you’re not training). Your EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption referring to the calories your body burns after intense exercise) keeps your metabolism active for much longer than if you were to perform an aerobic activity such as running or cycling.

Optimistically if you build and carry more muscle you can eat more because those muscles require more intelligent feeding as they burn more calories. Great,” You get to eat more!” 

The Crux Of It

I like to keep it simple, hopefully motivating you to become stronger and experience the difference it can make to your body composition and functionality. I know personally that I will do everything I can to move with greater and continued athleticism.

In summary, If you Strength Train you can develop and improve your body’s mechanics, balance, coordination and postural integrity greater over those that don’t train, you will move with great efficiency under your own skin and bone, you can promote wellness as strength training has been well documented for reducing arthritic pain and elevate those happy endorphins lifting and improving mood on a day to day basis. 

So here it is, your magic pill;

Push It - Pull It - Press It - Lift It - Squat It - Swing It 

Just move it!!

Peace, Mike.

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